I didn't send holiday cards this year, but I sure enjoyed getting them from family and friends. Thanks, everyone! School is done for 2009 and I am officially on vacation. I am hoping that I get to spend some of it with family, weather permitting. I will have Mae and Tom here for Christmas day dinner, again, weather permitting and I haven't cooked the traditional meal myself in a long time. It's fun to plan! Saturday is for the kids and Chelsey is hosting. Sunday, hopefully, off to see my sisters and Mom.
This year has brought us some challenges but way more rewards. Seems as if when we are almost ahead financially, something breaks down, but we have managed. Our jobs are stable and we get to help others live better lives every day we go to work. Sometimes we even get appreciated! I was tickled this week when I got a gift from one of the kids in one of my reading classes and he wasn't a special needs kid. That has not happened to me in all the years I've taught.
We wish for and pray that each reader get just what they've always wanted this Christmas and in the coming New Year.
Some thoughts I received in a card this year:
Don't compare your life to others; you have no idea what their journey is all about.
Everything can change in a blink of an eye, but don't worry - God never blinks.
Get rid of everything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
If we threw all our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
Get outside everyday. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
More Birthday fun
This time it was Dallas' birthday - I will post some pictures, but I took a ton since Dan found the new camera. Also thanks to the patron saint of lost items (there really is one, and my Catholic friends all were praying for him to show me where the camera was). Also you may be interested to know we have a second vehicle again and Dan doesn't have to drive Miss Shirlee around anymore. This grandma is driving a 5 speed Passat!
As far as the pictures go, can't you just hear the motor sounds? Brummm Brumm!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I've been waiting to blog for the new camera I ordered to arrive. I was going to take a few pictures and post them. Well..... the camera came and it is easy to use and takes great pictures. I thought I put it in my bag to bring to school to load the pictures and blog them, but yesterday I didn't have the camera. I can't find it anywhere. Brand new! Where the heck is it? Lefty and Pudge didn't take it! I HATE when this happens!
Tonight a haircut, then Dan's company Christmas party.
Tonight a haircut, then Dan's company Christmas party.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
catching up, finally
Gee, I'm getting as bad as everyone else, not posting! I have an excuse - I've been sick again. Pretty sure it started with the flu, WAY BACK on Labor Day, then I had bronchitis, now ear infection. I am taking antibiotics, but its not helping. My ear doesn't hurt, but very rarely clears enough for me to hear. I stayed home the first couple of days, but thought I might as well try to teach. The kids just have to speak up. I'll go back to the Dr as soon as the pills are gone. Maybe they can try something else.
This weekend I went to a little quilt shop in a home in a tiny town near here (Tracy) with a friend. The owner is everyone's grandma, you certainly get welcomed there. I bought some Christmas fabric to use on the backs of some quilts made with panels that I bought several months ago. I got a couple of them put together today.
We are one third done with the school year this week. Hard to believe, huh? Nothing else going on around here - just work.
This weekend I went to a little quilt shop in a home in a tiny town near here (Tracy) with a friend. The owner is everyone's grandma, you certainly get welcomed there. I bought some Christmas fabric to use on the backs of some quilts made with panels that I bought several months ago. I got a couple of them put together today.
We are one third done with the school year this week. Hard to believe, huh? Nothing else going on around here - just work.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
This one is Dallas enjoying being served cheerios by both aunts at once!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Regular stuff
Nothing much going on here. I went to the Dr and am taking antibiotics but still have a cough. It gets a teensy bit better every day. Other than that I am just keeping secrets. Lynne and Chelsey are going to celebrate their birthdays on Sunday and I am going to try a couple of magazine recipes for desserts.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
new stuff
I have just a few minutes before I get to go stand in the rain and watch students get picked up after school. Thanks for giant umbrellas. I noticed that when the other team did their two weeks it was sunny every day. In the 14 days I have had this duty it has rained 6.
I am trying a new adventure. Our church has had a very large set of bells for a long time, but no choir for about 10 years? Well, we are attempting it again. I just had to be part of this. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:00. I asked Dan to meet me at church last night and we went on a "date" for supper before we went back to church for chancel choir. It was fun and relaxing, so I think we'll try it again next week. Our plan is to share the "wealth" among all our fast food places. I am lead teaching in all four of my classes this week, and really enjoying the experience. It does make for a tired voice by the end of the day, though, something I don't usually have in my small group work.
Gotta go have fun in the rain---
I am trying a new adventure. Our church has had a very large set of bells for a long time, but no choir for about 10 years? Well, we are attempting it again. I just had to be part of this. We rehearse on Wednesdays at 5:00. I asked Dan to meet me at church last night and we went on a "date" for supper before we went back to church for chancel choir. It was fun and relaxing, so I think we'll try it again next week. Our plan is to share the "wealth" among all our fast food places. I am lead teaching in all four of my classes this week, and really enjoying the experience. It does make for a tired voice by the end of the day, though, something I don't usually have in my small group work.
Gotta go have fun in the rain---
Thursday, September 17, 2009
finally better
Today is the first day I feel like I haven't coughed nonstop. I was embarassed yesterday when I went to give blood, then ate a cookie and went to bell choir. I played away on one song and all of a sudden felt really woosey and had to sit and be fanned. It was awfully hot in there, but I think it was just too much after being sick. My white count was appropriate for giving blood, however. I'm feeling ok now.
Don't you just have to admire L for filming while her son sits in a puddle of dog dish water! I loved it! Poor Bo will probably have to go thirsty now that D has discovered the source of all that fun!
I want to give a public thanks to G for fixing the brakes on my car and ordering my new tires. He had to go above and beyond to get the brakes correct. My car acts like its proud to be seen in its new shoes!
Don't you just have to admire L for filming while her son sits in a puddle of dog dish water! I loved it! Poor Bo will probably have to go thirsty now that D has discovered the source of all that fun!
I want to give a public thanks to G for fixing the brakes on my car and ordering my new tires. He had to go above and beyond to get the brakes correct. My car acts like its proud to be seen in its new shoes!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cough. Well, here's what I've been doing lately cough cough. I was sick all weekend - great holiday, huh? cough cough. I even stayed home Tuesday cough cough. I rarely run a temp, but did this time but the worst was the headache cough cough. I have only one symptom left. Can you guess?
There will be a big hubbub here tomorrow as the school prepares for Iowa State/Iowa game. Everyone is encouraged to back their team by dressing and advertising for their choice. Some teachers go a little overboard but it is mostly good natured. Can't wait for the real day as I get to babysit.
My newest duty has been breakfast supervision. The kids get a tray with a box on it. The box has cereal and a poptart, spoon and napkin. They are supplied milk and juice. Most days there is also a hot choice, yesterday was breakfast pizza. The kids can't open their milk bottles (not cartons anymore) and some can't take the lid off their cereal. Many just nibble and throw everything away. Some just throw everything away - makes you wonder why they come to breakfast? It is optional, so why are they doing that? Once they take it , it has to be thrown out, so no saving all those bottles of unopened milk, or poptarts, etc. What are we teaching at school nowadays? Some, of course, need and appreciate the breakfast they get.
There will be a big hubbub here tomorrow as the school prepares for Iowa State/Iowa game. Everyone is encouraged to back their team by dressing and advertising for their choice. Some teachers go a little overboard but it is mostly good natured. Can't wait for the real day as I get to babysit.
My newest duty has been breakfast supervision. The kids get a tray with a box on it. The box has cereal and a poptart, spoon and napkin. They are supplied milk and juice. Most days there is also a hot choice, yesterday was breakfast pizza. The kids can't open their milk bottles (not cartons anymore) and some can't take the lid off their cereal. Many just nibble and throw everything away. Some just throw everything away - makes you wonder why they come to breakfast? It is optional, so why are they doing that? Once they take it , it has to be thrown out, so no saving all those bottles of unopened milk, or poptarts, etc. What are we teaching at school nowadays? Some, of course, need and appreciate the breakfast they get.
Monday, August 31, 2009
still busy
I have been keeping busy with one whole week of school over. I have been learning my new duties. One I have is making parents mad when they come to pick up their kids. My job is to not let them park where they want to and not letting their kid run to them (crossing in front of other cars, etc.) . The actual school part is going well, I have one third of the one hundred names down enough so I can call them by name when they are not in their desks. If they would just wear the same clothes all the time...
I visited Emily and Dallas on Saturday - here are some pictures
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Well, school is just around the corner and many teachers are spending days there. I have been over a couple of times but mostly to deliver stuff so I don't have to carry it all at once. I have also been spending extra time in the band office working on building a spread sheet with the music library on it. The band bought a computer for me to use but alas it is not portable. Has the newest bells and whistles, though, so I have to learn a few new things. And of course, now that time is short I am finding many things I would like to work on in the studio. Sharon and I went shopping at quilt places a week ago and so I have new things to try. I also have a new quilt frame that uses my regular sewing machine - sort of like a long arm quilter but you move the frame not the machine. I have just about mastered the meander stitch and I can do swirls. The tricky part is keeping the sewing machine speed and the frame speed even. My first project looks like I was just learning, but like anything else, practice will help. Today I sewed a bean bag chair for a gal at school using legs from jeans people have given me. The directions say it can be stuffed with packing peanuts. I started with a pattern and made it up as I went along. I guess I will wait to judge its success after it has stuffing. We are pretty much done sorting at Mae's house - no buyer yet. She keeps calling and asking for things I know I threw away. I am learning new patience, I hope. Looking forward to Tuesday when the municipal band will put on a concert at the State Fair!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
moving day
Hi all yesterday was moving day for Mae. She now is residing in an assisted living center just south of town. She has a beautiful two room apartment with the facility having everything imaginable except maybe a swimming pool. Moving her was a great adventure. Once I'm finished at her house I'm definitely coming home to throw out more stuff here. I was the only daughter in law present and Mae had not prepared for the move at all. Hadn't sorted clothes, done laundry, made decisions about what to take, anything. I also arranged everything in its place at the apartment. Today I cleaned out her refrigerator and freezer, plus packed her kitchen. It might seem small, but it had tons of storage. One cupboard remains, above the frig is maybe 30 of those little glass plates and glass cups the churches used to use for luncheons, etc. You know, the plate has an indentation to hold the cup? As I cleaned the kitchen I of course got to keep anything I wanted after the china was set aside for her place and the pfatzgraf for Tom (It used to be Linda's). I didn't pack much for myself but couldn't resist several nearly new Texas sheet cake pans (L&L, you can each have one - they're the good stuff.) I got the pantry contents as well, I'll never wonder if I have the right spice on hand! Much had to be thrown because of pantry bugs. The canned goods are going to the Ecumenical Food pantry. I brought home a mini food processor and food cutter plus attachments for the kitchen aid mixer. In tubs and headed for a storage unit until we can plan a sale is a complete set of Lifetime waterless cookware; lots of casseroles, the usual odds and ends of glasses and mugs, contents of the linen closet; electric appliances like crockpots, coffee pots (Need a percolator?) Coming here for now is a whole closet full of clothes most of which we won't sell. I told Mae she can come "shopping" here when she wants a change from what we moved for her. She has a pretty big closet, layered rods and it is completely full, but I know a lot of that won't fit or she doesn't like. We simply moved what was in the bedroom closet. Ted came again today and moved the furniture he was to get. Tom is coming this week to get his stuff. We need to have the house empty by Thursday so they can clean carpet and there is an open house on the weekend to show the house. I wish we had gotten more notice - there is a ton left to do, but we need to put it in the storage unit, I guess. One room was packed and organized but it is still in the house and has to go. I didn't even venture into the basement - but I know it doesn't have too much because Mae was afraid of the steps so didn't go down there. Tuesday I will go over and vacuum and clean the kitchen floor, still have to wash out the frig and a freezer. I realized that eight hour days of this type of labor is hard on a body!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Em's third birthday
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
What I've been up to
Since I last entered something here I have been sewing. I worked on a wall hanging with watermelon slices to hang in the living room (not finished yet); have completed 51 back of the chair pockets for school; a complete baby quilt; some more coil bowls; and a toy/game for the grandkids. I went to Des Moines with the 4th grade teachers to help them spend their budget $ at the Learning Post. I went to Lynne's and we were "knotty" together and had a fun morning.Oh, I also shortened three Iowa jerseys for a friend's family. They are special as they have SASH on the back and his number (he's from Oskaloosa).
I also picked my first tomato. It's funny shaped and not very big, but I grew it myself!
Hope you are all keeping cool enough.
I also picked my first tomato. It's funny shaped and not very big, but I grew it myself!
Hope you are all keeping cool enough.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Hot enough for you?
I'll bet if you were out and about at all today you heard that! It's pretty miserable right here in the house. I am doing a whole lot of nothing to be sure. We need to purchase an air conditioner for the kitchen as soon as payday arrives.
Weird things have been happening to us. Last night when we came out of band practice the van started but nothing electrical inside worked. No radio, no air, no windows. It is a long way from city hall to this house if it is 87 degrees out, hotter in and you can't open a window. Dan said must be a fuse so when he went to work today I backed the van out, opened all the doors and studied the manual until I could find where the fuses are. (Not where I had expected them to be, either). I looked them over but really couldn't see if one was bad, unplugged a few, plugged them back in again, and must have hit something right, because things work again. Who knows?
Today I worked on the band payroll and rearranged some kitchen cupboards. I keep trying to make them bigger, but for some reason that hasn't worked!
Weird things have been happening to us. Last night when we came out of band practice the van started but nothing electrical inside worked. No radio, no air, no windows. It is a long way from city hall to this house if it is 87 degrees out, hotter in and you can't open a window. Dan said must be a fuse so when he went to work today I backed the van out, opened all the doors and studied the manual until I could find where the fuses are. (Not where I had expected them to be, either). I looked them over but really couldn't see if one was bad, unplugged a few, plugged them back in again, and must have hit something right, because things work again. Who knows?
Today I worked on the band payroll and rearranged some kitchen cupboards. I keep trying to make them bigger, but for some reason that hasn't worked!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Art on the Square
We went uptown this morning to Art on the Square (always near my birthday if you want to plan a visit during this time some year). Many beautiful items displayed and for sale with more jewelry than usual. The biggest wow was the old Iowa building on the northwest corner from the square. It used to be a bank, someone along the way modernized it with slabs of marble looking facing. In recent years things started falling off and it became more and more of an eyesore. It has been under rehabilitation for more than a year now and at Christmas, before the lighted Christmas parade, it was wrapped in plastic like a giant present and has been out of sight ever since. The scaffolding and wraps came down in the middle of the night - well worth the wait! It is gorgeous! I also was pleased with the new flower planters that can be seen in several locations near the square. If you look closely at the planters, you can see photos of the bandstand.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
June 11
Today is the first day since school got out that I haven't had a specific job to get accomplished. I made five pans of brownies for treats for the city band after the concert tonight. I yell at everybody pretty regularly, so I thought I'd better create some good will while I can.
I'm heading for the studio now. Dan says we'll eat out, so I don't have to think about cooking.
I'm heading for the studio now. Dan says we'll eat out, so I don't have to think about cooking.
Visit to Emily and Dallas, Laura, too
Sunday, June 7, 2009
School's Out For Summer!
I am officially done with the school year. I have a meeting there Wednesday afternoon and a half day class the following week, plus a book study, but am not teaching this summer. The half day class is to build a web page for my classroom. I have some ideas, but will get to put them into action. I'm sure blogging is a good way to get ready!
We had our first band concert Thursday night and had good attendance and perfect weather. We'll be playing at the State Fair August 18. (the day before school starts for teachers).
Lynne came to town today and treated Dan and I to lunch for my birthday. As always, it is great to see her and hear what she's been up to.
We had our first band concert Thursday night and had good attendance and perfect weather. We'll be playing at the State Fair August 18. (the day before school starts for teachers).
Lynne came to town today and treated Dan and I to lunch for my birthday. As always, it is great to see her and hear what she's been up to.
This old house roses
I've always loved my roses. Some came with the house and some were planted or special occasions. As you can see, some are very beautiful right now but I have three I transplanted last fall and they're not so good and one more is jsut plain dead :( Perhaps I need to spend more time talking to them this year and not ignoring them so much?
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday, May 25, 2009
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