Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where does time go?

It's been a little more than a week since I last posted and I have trouble believing that! Seems like the week just started and whoosh- I should be doing lesson plans for next week.
I got a lot of job tasks done this week - three iep meetings and their paperwork along with a few other job responsibilities. That feels good. I haven't cooked much because we have eaten leftovers from our party on Sunday. I didn't have to think about what to pack for lunches :)
I need a new water bottle and want to survey you all for what kind? I have been using a ISUCVFMB bottle, but the strap holding the lid on broke. I want suggestions.
Laura made me jealous talking about grass greening up. I live in the south, for heavens sake, and not only is our grass not greening, we're supposed to get SNOW tomorrow! Wasn't it nice to hear from Sherrie? Now, if Sharon would just get into the blog thing?
I'd better quit before I get into trouble!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I have been enjoying my break so far and it is half over already! Sunday I went to a baby shower, met Lynne there and we spent another hour or so together after the shower. It is always good to catch up with her. Monday morning I made slippers for Emily and Laura, then knit on a shawl I've been working on. I gave blood then went to Wally World with Greg and Chelsey. One of their Christmas presents was new curtains and mattress covers for their camper. We went shopping for fabric for those. Tuesday all day I worked on their stuff. I had carefully taken apart the mattress covers so I could just reconstruct them, but every time I'd put it together, it'd be wrong. Finally just quit for the day. I finished the shawl and started on a sweater for my favorite granddaughter. It is going well. Today I volunteered at Share Iowa for the morning. Oskaloosa has the headquarters for this organization which is a low cost food distribution center. People from all over the state get food from here. It is run by volunteers and the work is done by volunteers. Each month they make available different "packages" at discount prices and all you have to do to qualify is volunteer in some way. Even singing in the choir counts. Anyway, today we packaged a special - deli meats. There was a pound of diced ham, a pound of sliced ham, a pound of pepperoni, a pound of turkey breast, and a pound of roast beef. It was all frozen in packages and we assembled the set in a grocery bag, sealed the bag and packed bags in boxes, then back in the freezer it went. I was the youngest person there by about twenty years, all the other volunteers were regulars. I thought it was pretty hard work, lots of standing and bending and I came home hurting, but these people do it all the time! After lunch I tackled the mattress covers again, with a different idea and finished those. They are ready for pickup. Tonight we went to choir practice. Tomorrow? who knows.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Almost Spring Break!! I am looking forward to some tie away from the regular. I have some ideas for break, including a day trip to Lowden, but I haven't asked Mom yet. Maybe Ames one day? Some sewing for Greg & Chelsey? Sleeping in? Cooking a nice dinner, since Dan has been cooking pretty regular. We almost always follow the rule of first one home cooks, and that's been him. I have quite a bit of work to do here before I can go on break, so I'd better get to it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Parent teacher conferences

Today is a half day for kids, we start parent teacher conferences at 1:00. Because of the early out we have a different schedule and I found myself with 10 minutes, so just time for an entry.
I have only a few conferences today so I should have plenty of time to get things ready for next week.
I visited the dr last week and everything is working as it is supposed to. Had a mammogram this morning before work, they have improved things a bit in that department and it was much faster.
I'm looking forward to seeing the Kibbe's this weekend and get my grandma fix! Nothing else much going on -