Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where does time go?

It's been a little more than a week since I last posted and I have trouble believing that! Seems like the week just started and whoosh- I should be doing lesson plans for next week.
I got a lot of job tasks done this week - three iep meetings and their paperwork along with a few other job responsibilities. That feels good. I haven't cooked much because we have eaten leftovers from our party on Sunday. I didn't have to think about what to pack for lunches :)
I need a new water bottle and want to survey you all for what kind? I have been using a ISUCVFMB bottle, but the strap holding the lid on broke. I want suggestions.
Laura made me jealous talking about grass greening up. I live in the south, for heavens sake, and not only is our grass not greening, we're supposed to get SNOW tomorrow! Wasn't it nice to hear from Sherrie? Now, if Sharon would just get into the blog thing?
I'd better quit before I get into trouble!


sherrie said...

I have trouble thinking what to blog. We do so much!

AdoptionMSW said...

Re: your question about the water bottle. I had been using a Camelbak plastic bottle (reportedly BPA free) with a straw and a flip top similar to those on the Camelbak bags that fit in a backpack. At the urging of my kids, I switched from plastic to a Bean Canteen made from recycled stainless steel. It comes in two sizes. I bought the bigger one. I find it very convenient.

Lynne said...

I like my nalgen- I switched from the ISU bottle to it and I have no problems- little higher quality, doesn't leak at all, and also BPA free. I got it for only 12 bucks- that was for the biggest size.