Wednesday, July 7, 2010

still on vacation

Nothing going on here except occasional rain showers as usual. I took Dan's mom to her Dr.'s appointment today - we were supposed to be there by 11:15 and left there at 1:30, then we went to lunch at Wendy's before I took her home. I finished an entire book while there:) I guess the morning was busy, but there weren't very many people in the waiting room.
Last week one day I spent in Ames so Laura could go to a Dr.'s appointment. Waiting there was more fun :). It is always good to see her and the kids, didn't run into Robert, then went to Des Moines to meet Lynne for supper and a short visit. I like those kinds of days. Yesterday I spent a little bit with Charley between when Greg went to work and Chelsey came home from work. He changes every day.
I had an eye dr appointment last week - for Sherrie - I have posterior vitreous detachment - means the fluid in the eye gets cloudy once in a while and acts like a floater. Nothing they can fix, and your brain covers it up after a while so you don't notice. I'm sorry Sherrie's was more serious, how's it going now? I didn't need lens changes.
I just got my school computer back from updates so now I can't put off doing school work very much longer. Wish I could get a schedule in mind, that's the biggest concern I have right now about the new job.
Other than that, I have been doing city band work, a rehearsal and concert each week. This week we have a substitute director, I hope it doesn't rain so we need to move the concert indoors, the director usually handles those arrangements and he's in DC. I've been reading a lot, so look for updates on my list soon.

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