Monday, March 15, 2010

Nya nya, I'm on vacation!

Vacation! what a wonderful word. I have already accomplished a few things, because this week is going to be too short! I finished completely the baby quilt for my friend at school. Baby J's baby quilt is pieced and will be finished when I get some more flannel. I went to the library, then to church to give blood. I even let her wiggle the needle a little! I know Chelsey will appreciate that!

Last week I spent some time in the dr's office. My foot was really giving me fits, I thought maybe I had broken it, without an obvious injury. Well, after xrays and tests for gout, I was given a diagnosis of arthritis and a prescription for pain/ anti inflamatory. It may be mental tricks, but boy, it feels better than in a long time.

The back yard is devoid of sticks and limbs, courtesy of an afternoon's work by Dan. Looks much better. I was worried about the limb that fell in the lilac bush as it was stuck upright there and was about 8 inches around. The lilac seems none the worse for wear.

Best part of this week so far? Sunshine!

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