Saturday, April 11, 2009

Just the ordinary

Lynne just scolded me for not posting - so here goes. I spent several hours today Spring cleaning but at school! I'm struggling with one of my students who is bi-polar and needed to change things up to accommodate him so while I was at it, decided to clean a cupboard or two. You'd think no one would be there on Easter Saturday, wouldn't you? There were three other cars there when I left around 12:00. This afternoon I changed around the sewing room. Darn, I just need a bigger room. The floor is clutter free at least. I'm between projects so no incentive to get things going.
I've been reading links from Laura's blog and found a recipe for scones. I was all set to make them but discovered I didn't have currents or raisins or dried cranberries (couldn't spell what they're called). Wouldn't be scones without fruit.
I went to the library this morning to get some books recommended by the ladies on my sewing forum. Brought home 4 - one I had already read but didn't recognize at first, two others are just not me - and I'm only three chapters into the other. I do better when I just randomly pick something.
So, you can see, just the ordinary. Looking forward to seeing relatives tomorrow for Easter!

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