Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Odd day

Today has been different. For one thing today was the funeral for a third grader who was killed in a car accident last Thursday. There's just no explaining that to most people, let alone third grade classmates. So sad, but her young life was full of activities and joy. Because of the funeral, classes were missing people, students and teachers alike. I began to work with a new group for reading, allowing my next door teacher a little planning time. She and I will alternate working with this combination of both our students on an eight day cycle. Now, after school I will have only one student in my tutoring group - one has dropped (I can't convince the parent that it might take more than 5 weeks to change his habits!) and one of my students joins the morning group on Tuesdays so he can sing in the elementary choir on Tuesday afternoons. I didn't have a car today because the pickup was getting its new windshield (after deer damage). Hopefully routine will reappear tomorrow!

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