Friday, April 30, 2010

Can you teach an old dog (er, gal) new tricks?

I had a surprise after school yesterday when I was called into the principal's office. She said, come in with an open mind. She preceded to offer me a "new" job. The administrative team wanted me to transfer to teaching a level 2 class for next year. For those of you not real familiar with special ed and levels, I have been teaching level 1, and most of the help has been in the general education classroom with a little bit of pull out. The new position is longer times of pullout and I'll be teaching the student's whole reading curriculum, or math curriculum, perhaps not using what the classroom is using. Groups will be small and the students will still go to a regular class for social studies and science instruction. The students are more handicapped than those I see now. As a matter of fact, I helped move several of these kids from the lesser restrictive environment to the more sheltered one this year, as these kids were just not making progress. The teacher currently leading the level 2 class is retiring and we will split the kids by grade level into 2 classes for next year.
I thought about it, weighed the options and decided to go for it. I will get a regular sized room in the fourth grade hallway with windows!!!!! I will have a program associate and hopefully they will grant my wish for which one. I lose co teaching with my favorite person, but at the same time don't have to co teach anymore with one I don't like as well. They pretty much told me I could keep this position until retirement.
So... I have to think about moving sometime during the summer. Hopefully this is a positive move for everyone involved. I always enjoy a new challenge!


Sharon said...

Good for you. Can I come down and be your associate?

Shirlee said...

Would you? The pay is awful but the company is great!