Saturday, September 27, 2008

This and That

Today is a catch up day. I did some clean up at school - put things I never use in a storage closet and organized what I want out so I know just where to look. This all started because I am looking or a particular material I want to use for spelling. I can't find it anywhere and thought I had loaned it but no one seems to have it anywhere. I wish my rememberer was better - then I could reproduce it from my head. I'm not even sure of the name of it which doesn't help others look for it.
I finally can say I know my students pretty well and all the students in most of the classes now have names even if they change seats! A few still trick me up.
Found out that I need to make another baby quilt, one of the teachers I co-teach with is having a baby at the end of the year.
I have to make apple salad for last Sunday lunch tomorrow. The choir is going to get the proceeds of the luncheon for choir robe fund. I think I will make one up. I bought mandarin oranges, bananas, pineapple and apples. I have to make enough for 30 people - so I'm guessing on numbers of ingredients.
I finally am over my "cold" . Maybe it will be the only one this year?
I'm looking forward to babysitting for Em next weekend for the Iowa State/Kansas State game. I have been working on a really cute item for her from Christmas in my spare time but am waiting for supplies.
I'll try not to wait so long before the next entry -

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