Monday, September 1, 2008

Oh Wow! A whole month since I posted. I'll blame it on the back to school stuff. Let's see, in August I ... went shopping with my sister; sewed a bunch of things, worked on two baby quilts, one nearly finished today, also some Christmas gifts; school started, so I spent lots of extra time there; went to some parties; set up and ran a choir get together where we picked new robes; measured a bunch of people for those robes.
Dan and Ted have been working on the house. A new deck is in the works for the back door. Painting is nearly done outside, not started yet inside. We dug a hole which seemed to go on forever and ever. The back tree got trimmed and hauled away.
I've discovered some software for sewing that wouldn't run on the Mac but does on my PC so I've been making patterns - we'll see if Christmas presents evolve from that.
I ordered a new sewing machine/embroidery machine with my band $ with a bigger embroidery field. It should arrive by the end of the week. I nearly wore the little one out the last two days working on that baby quilt! I will do some pictures as soon as I charge the camera.

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