Monday, October 29, 2007

Cleaning Quirk

This weekend I was in the mood to (gasp!) clean. Maybe it was because I was frustrated by one of my parent conferences. I started by using my dryer vent brushes to clean as far in as I could in all the furnace vents. Then I cleaned the louvered doors - I can never get between the slats well enough. Then I looked at the cat's bathroom and knew I could improve on that. I dug out my steam cleaner and went to work on that floor. I didn't think it would ever be white again. While I had the cleaner out, I did those nooks and crannies I always ignore - around the oven door, the back of the counter, behind the stovetop, etc. My hands are paying the price, but I worked off the mad and have a cleaner house to show for it! Somewhere along the line I must have used some new muscles - in my posterior - at least I hurt places I haven't before unless I'd gotten a vaccination!

1 comment:

Sue said...

Want to come to my house? Bring your steam cleaner - I can make you angry first if that helps!