Hi all yesterday was moving day for Mae. She now is residing in an assisted living center just south of town. She has a beautiful two room apartment with the facility having everything imaginable except maybe a swimming pool. Moving her was a great adventure. Once I'm finished at her house I'm definitely coming home to throw out more stuff here. I was the only daughter in law present and Mae had not prepared for the move at all. Hadn't sorted clothes, done laundry, made decisions about what to take, anything. I also arranged everything in its place at the apartment. Today I cleaned out her refrigerator and freezer, plus packed her kitchen. It might seem small, but it had tons of storage. One cupboard remains, above the frig is maybe 30 of those little glass plates and glass cups the churches used to use for luncheons, etc. You know, the plate has an indentation to hold the cup? As I cleaned the kitchen I of course got to keep anything I wanted after the china was set aside for her place and the pfatzgraf for Tom (It used to be Linda's). I didn't pack much for myself but couldn't resist several nearly new Texas sheet cake pans (L&L, you can each have one - they're the good stuff.) I got the pantry contents as well, I'll never wonder if I have the right spice on hand! Much had to be thrown because of pantry bugs. The canned goods are going to the Ecumenical Food pantry. I brought home a mini food processor and food cutter plus attachments for the kitchen aid mixer. In tubs and headed for a storage unit until we can plan a sale is a complete set of Lifetime waterless cookware; lots of casseroles, the usual odds and ends of glasses and mugs, contents of the linen closet; electric appliances like crockpots, coffee pots (Need a percolator?) Coming here for now is a whole closet full of clothes most of which we won't sell. I told Mae she can come "shopping" here when she wants a change from what we moved for her. She has a pretty big closet, layered rods and it is completely full, but I know a lot of that won't fit or she doesn't like. We simply moved what was in the bedroom closet. Ted came again today and moved the furniture he was to get. Tom is coming this week to get his stuff. We need to have the house empty by Thursday so they can clean carpet and there is an open house on the weekend to show the house. I wish we had gotten more notice - there is a ton left to do, but we need to put it in the storage unit, I guess. One room was packed and organized but it is still in the house and has to go. I didn't even venture into the basement - but I know it doesn't have too much because Mae was afraid of the steps so didn't go down there. Tuesday I will go over and vacuum and clean the kitchen floor, still have to wash out the frig and a freezer. I realized that eight hour days of this type of labor is hard on a body!